My all time favorite Movie: Big fish, 2003 Summary and Review

My all time favorite Movie: Big fish, 2003 


frequency of relationship



Hello, I'm JinJin. My native language is Korean, so my English might be a little different. Please understand if there is anything wrong with grammar. 

I tried to introduce my favorite movie Big Fish. If I write specific synopsis, it can be a spoiler. So, Id like to write down a brief story also let you know before the ending. If you just want to read my review, you could go down below! 


  • Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Comedy
  • Director: Tim Burton


Lets start!


Will Bloom has a father who is a braggart. Will Bloom thinks his father Edward Bloom has never been serious to him since he was born until became an adult.

For a son, the father's past story is a well-made illusion and a novel.

Reference, NAVER movie 

On Will Bloom
s wedding day, Father Edward Bloom gives a congratulatory speech. The story is that used a special bait to pick up the legendary big fish no one couldn't catch. After a fight with a giant fish, he took the bait again and gave it to his wife.

Will Bloom is ashamed of his father for saying silly things in front of people on his wedding day"Can't you be the main character in life?" Edward Bloom and Will Bloom become strangers who know each other well.

Meanwhile, Will Bloom got a call from his mom that dad is gravely ill. So, his pregnant wife and he went to his home. His dad starts to speak silly things again. But that silly talk pretty worked to daughter-in-law.

Reference, NAVER movie 

That stories are son has been heard more than a thousand times. Edward Bloom said absurd stories, such as the story of suddenly growing up as a child and lying down for more than three years, and the story of saving a village from a giant over 10 feet. Besides that, Edward Bloom told his son an anecdote with werewolves and Siamese twins, so Will Bloom couldn't believe him. 

Among the incredible stories, Edward Bloom is indeed in critical condition, and Will Bloom still wants him to tell the truth even once before he dies.



(The ending of the movie is written at the bottom. 

It could be a spoiler for those who haven't seen the movie yet.)


Will Bloom found out the documents that can be a piece of evidence in his real story. At the end of the evidence, he met a witch. A witch exists in reality.

The son asks for help because he wants to know the truth before his father dies. The witch told him everything she knew, and the son finally found out the truth that he wanted to know so much.

He went home but no family was there. So, he went to the hospital. His dad was about to die. He decides to care for him while night time. A doctor who Edward Bloom have known well came and asked: Do you want to know the real story when you birth?

The son who chasing the truth said yes and he heard an ordinary story like the other facts. But the son gradually understands why the father was bluffing.

Reference, NAVER movie 

Before the dad dies, he asked:
Do you know how I die? That is quite in contrast to the saying that he knows how to die. The son told the story of how he dies. And the dad agreed with his story and dies.

The funeral day, the son notices that all of the people in his story came. He wasn't just a bluffer.


Reference, NAVER movie 


I only have a few friends. Not since childhoodBefore, I could easily get along with anyone, but I couldn't from the moment I felt I had grown up. To explain the reason, we can compare it to 'frequency'.

When I get to know someone, I feel a sense of alienation if the frequency is not the same. (I am not an alien..) Although I have a very narrow-minded relationship, there are people around me who have similar bonds.

What I thought while watching this movie is also 'human relationships with frequencies.'

The only time when the father and son were on the same frequency was when Will Bloom was young when he thought his adventures were true.
Then why does the father keep sending the different frequency to his son? Ironically, it is because of his love for his son.

All the stories that the dad had hidden were nothing special. On the day his son was born, he was busy with his work and couldn't be with his wife because he was a salesman.

The Siamese twins didn't exist and the giant was just a little bigger than the average person. If Edward Bloom had told the truth, Will Bloom would have passed by, but his father's bluff made him strong memories.

The dad and the sons frequency exactly match in the end when the son starts to make loving stories for his dad. That was how to love between two people.

The moment their frequency accord made me cry:(


Reference, NAVER movie 

The most memorable moment is the contrast between the dad and the circus leader.

While Edward Bloom lying in bed with growing pains for three years, he learns in a dictionary that "Goldfish grow small in fishbowls, but if they go to big places, they grow twice to four times bigger." He considers himself a person who can potentially grow up by linking the contents of the book to his growing pains.

The circus leader said You might have been famous in your countryside pond, but you will be dead in the ocean called the city He undermined different persons potential. To tell the truth, the circus master was a wolf and tried to attach everyone. But then he became happy with a twig. He was such a vulnerable beast. That is a piece of circumstantial evidence shows the ungenerous people are lonely.

The person who believes his potential can help himself and others. Im going to succeed anyway. What's so big about helping people around? Love yourself so that you can take care of others.

If you look around, many people, including myself, regard themselves as nothing. But we may be pretty good people than you think.

If you love yourself little by little, you can be a big fish.


Goldfish, let's be a big fish!


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